Candidates on campaign trail for top SYRIZA job

Candidates running for the leadership of the main opposition SYRIZA party have hit the campaign trail ahead of the leftist party's congress on September 2 and the elections for a new president on September 10.

SYRIZA supporters will be voting for a new leader after Alexis Tsipras, who served as prime minister from 2015 to 2019, resigned from the post in response to the leftist party's crushing defeat in the national elections of May and June.

Former labor minister Efi Achtsioglou, 38, pegged as one of the more popular candidates, is starting the week with a visit to Ioannina in northwestern Greece, following a stop in Kozani over the weekend.

Euclid Tsakalotos, 63, who served as finance minister in Tsipras' cabinet, will be in Crete, where he will speak at events in Iraklio on Monday and Rethymno on Tuesday.

One of the more controversial candidates in...

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