Four Bronze Medals for Bulgarian students from the Informatics Olympiad

The Bulgarians competed with 360 participants from 90 countries

The Bulgarian national team won 4 bronze medals at the 35th International Informatics Olympiad in Hungary (IOI 2023). The Bulgarians competed with 360 participants from 90 countries and for another year confirmed Bulgaria's place on the global IT scene.

The team consists of:

  • Atanas Dimitrov - 12th grade, Sofia Mathematical High School "Paisiy Hilendarski";
  • Veselin Markovich - 10th grade, "Peter Beron" Mathematical High School, Varna;
  • Boris Mihov - 10th grade, Sofia Mathematical High School "Paisiy Hilendarski";
  • Alexander Gatev - 10th grade, Sofia Mathematical High School "Paisiy Hilendarski".
  • The leaders of the team are Iliyan Yordanov (IMI BAS) - Member of the National Informatics Commission, head of the "Olympiitsi" School and Encho Mishinev - a long-time member of our national team, winner of numerous international IT prizes.

"We are happy that in this Olympic season the IT team also brought us medals with three 10th graders in the team. They have two more competitive years ahead of them, so our hopes for 2024 are for gold. Congratulations to the new generation of coaches - Iliyan and Encho , the Olympians themselves from the recent past. We are proud that Musala Soft has been supporting our teams for 23 years now, and many of our medalists are participants in" - shared Elena Marinova, president and board member of Musala Soft.

The software company Musala Soft supports the Bulgarian Olympians in the long term, as part of the strategy to support talents in the field of exact sciences and elite IT education. At the end of this week, the European Youth Olympiad in...

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