The Bulgarian Candidate for EU Commissioner said She will only give Promises she could Fulfill

Iliana Ivanova

"The European Parliament is at the heart of my commitment to the European idea of my years as a MEP in 2009 and as a member of the European Court of Auditors. These were the defining moments for me and I am deeply grateful for the years of cooperation and trust and dialogue on important aspects of European policies." This was stated in the opening speech of the Bulgarian candidate for European Commissioner Iliana Ivanova.

She was heard in the commissions of the European Parliament in Industry and Culture for the post of Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth.

Ivanova pointed out several major moments during the remaining year of the European Commission's term: a key role of research and innovation in view of the growth in the EU, the development of education and skills, closer to the role of culture in society, the empowerment of young people and the unifying role of sports.

She emphasized that research and innovation are vital to our sustainable future and called for investment. According to her, Europe is the engine of the scientific process in the world, but in the field of research and innovation there is still fragmentation, and investments are below 3% of GDP and much lower than those of some of the world's competitors.

She said she would work for a stable and sufficient budget. She explained that the long-term budget has been allocated, but there are other opportunities to attract public and private funding, including through partnerships and synergies.

In her introductory statement, spoken in Bulgarian, English, German and French, Ivanova said that she would also focus on the opportunities for the development of avant-garde technologies.

She is convinced that the Horizon Europe...

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