Souda base key to US contingency plans

This photo of the Souda airbase, which was obtained exclusively by Kathimerini, shows some of the American C-130, C-17 and KC-135 which have been stationed in Crete for the last 24 hours.

The readiness to activate contingency plans for the evacuation of US nationals from Israel and Lebanon is the primary reason that a large number of US military transport aircraft have been transferred to Crete Air Base at Souda Bay in recent days.

A similar role, albeit significantly limited, will be played by the 112 Combat Wing in Elefsina. Aircraft that have landed in recent days include large C-17 transport aircraft, C-130 special operations aircraft, KC-135 flying tankers, P-8 Poseidon naval operations aircraft and electronic warfare aircraft. The aircraft have landed in Greece from various bases in Europe (Italy, Germany, UK) and their main purpose is to be on standby in case the plan to remove some of the estimated 600,000 American citizens living in Israel and Lebanon is activated.

The plan came to light via a Washington Post report, but it appears that the...

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