"He's finished"; He is ready for anything and only one man can stop him

According to Denis Avdagi, it is clear that disproportionate force was used in response and that civilians were killed in numbers that shock the world, and it is clear that these are matters that will have to be resolved by the International Criminal Court.
As he added, the figures of the dead are frightening and according to the UNICEF report, 400 children die every day.
"Yes, Hamas has built tunnels next to civilian objects, but that does not give the Israelis the right to target and kill civilians. A professional army, a serious army like Israel's, has that responsibility and must be aware of that responsibility. Hamas is a terrorist organization and they consciously did everything they did, and should they be dealt with, in what way and should civilians be victims, there is only one answer - no," said Avdagi.
When asked if Israel is losing international support, Avdagi says that support for the Palestinians is growing. "There is a division all over the world and it is very pronounced. Most often, countries, governments where you have conservative prime ministers and heads, are more favorable to Israel, and where they are left, liberal, they are favorable to the Palestinians," he said.
Military analyst Robert Bari, on the other hand, believes that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is politically finished. "Netanyahu is politically finished no matter how this ends. Someone has to pay for this intelligence error. I hope that with his departure, this period of Israeli politics will end. He did everything to destroy the two-state solution," explained Bari.
He adds that Netanyahu encouraged the extreme settlement policy of Israeli settlers, especially the West Bank. "It seems that he really intended to annex the West Bank. But...

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