Short-term rental fee growth

Revenues from the accommodation tax imposed on hotels, rooms for rent and short-term rentals are increasing, according to the 2024 budget.

They are expected to increase by 192% next year, thanks to the extension of the measure of the "resilience fee" to properties that are rented through platforms such as Airbnb,, etc. That amount, far from negligible, will reach 392 million euros, from €134 million estimated for 2023.

The largest part will come from short-term leases, as well as from the change in the existing scale. The fee will rise from €4 per overnight stay for five-star hotels, to €10.

The increased amount will be paid during the months of March to October, while for the months of November to February it will be limited to the current levels for the above category.

According to the draft law that is under public consultation, the...

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