Court dismisses Turkish medical group administration

The central council members of the Turkish Medical Association (TTB) have been dismissed on the grounds of allegedly "engaging in activities contrary to their founding objectives."

The decision, delivered during the seventh hearing of the case in an Ankara court on Nov. 30, also included the appointment of a five-member committee tasked with overseeing the election of a new central council. Until the conclusion of the appeal process, the existing administration is set to remain in office.

The TTB, in a statement posted on social media platform X, expressed its dismay, denouncing the dismissals as a "product of a regime of lawlessness."

Among those dismissed was TTB head Şebnem Korur Fincancı, a 63-year-old medic who had previously faced legal troubles. She was detained last year after calling for an investigation into allegations that the Turkish military used chemical weapons in northern Iraq.

The charges against Fincancı included "disseminating terrorist propaganda," according to Ankara Chief Prosecutor's Office. Turkish officials, including President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and then Defense Minister Hulusi Akar, vehemently rejected the allegations. Erdoğan accused her of "speaking the language of the terrorist organization," while Akar labeled her comments as "slander."

Despite being found guilty by a criminal court, Fincancı received a sentence of less than three years in prison, leading to her immediate release. In Türkiye, individuals sentenced to less than four years are typically put under court supervision but allowed to remain free.

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