Last warning: In 26 years...

As the reports, there will be major shocks to food and drinking water supplies, the disappearance of unique species and the loss of landscapes that are central to human culture and leisure.
If humanity fails to meet its commitments to tackle the five main drivers of nature loss, critical natural systems could collapse by 2050, just as the human population is predicted to peak.
In an extensive text, the British Guardian states that it has discussed the matter with leading scientists, indigenous leaders and environmentalists around the world.
In summary, the warnings state that millions of plant and animal species are threatened with extinction, forest fires, floods and extreme weather conditions.
Also, unless something changes, by 2050 there could be a rapid spread of invasive species (which often bring new diseases), massive plastic pollution, declining fish populations and disappearing forests.
More than a quarter of all plant and animal species, which experts have assessed in depth in terms of conservation, are at risk of extinction.

EPA-EFE/Paolo Aguilar

To counter the potential loss, research shows that humanity must work to restore nature across the planet, adopt more environmentally friendly agricultural practices, reduce meat consumption, stop the spread of invasive species and dramatically reduce fossil fuel use.
It is recalled that at the Cop15 summit on biodiversity last December, the governments participating in that meeting agreed on 23 goals, including the restoration of 30% of the degraded terrestrial, aquatic, coastal and marine ecosystems of the planet, but, so far, the governments have not fulfilled any of the self-imposed goals related to loss of nature, and experts say that this must change...

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