Serbia has voted - the winner is clear; It is also known how Belgrade voted

REC, election monitoring organizations, as well as political parties announced preliminary results.
SNS President Milo Vuevi said that according to data from 7,190 polling stations processed, the list "Aleksandar Vui - Serbia must not stop" won 1,477,651 votes in today's elections.
"86.91 percent have been processed, the list Serbia must not stop has 1,477,651 votes, which is 47.67 percent," said Vuevi at a conference at the SNS election headquarters.
He added that he can say with certainty that the "Serbia must not stop" list has an absolute majority and will have at least 128 mandates in the National Assembly.

Celebration at the SNS headquarters EPA-EFE/KOCA SULEJMANOVIC

On the basis of 90.2 percent of the CeSID/IPSOS sample, the list "Aleksandar Vui - Serbia must not stop" won 46.4 percent of the vote, or 129 mandates.
In second place is "Serbia against violence" with 23.6 percent or 65 mandates.
The third position is occupied by the SPS coalition with 6.6 percent or 18 mandates.
The NADA coalition won 4.9 percent or 13 mandates.
According to these projections, the list "Dr Branimir Nestorovi - we - the voice of the people" also passes the census with 4.8 percent of the votes, that is, 13 mandates.
Of the minority lists, the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians is expected to have 6 mandates, the coalition of the Justice and Reconciliation Party and the Democratic Union of Croats in Vojvodina three mandates, Sulejman Ugljanin's SDA two mandates and aip Kamberi's one mandate.
All other lists, according to the current results, will remain outside the parliament.

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