Incoming Athens mayor denounces ‘vengeful’ gov’t amendment

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Incoming Athens Mayor Haris Doukas on Wednesday reiterated his criticism of a controversial government amendment, highlighting its impact on the Athens municipality's authority over capital projects.

"Urban planning decisions will now be made for Athens without [the involvement of] Athens. This decision was reached on the final day before Parliament went into recess. I was unaware, and I believe no one else was informed. Clearly, this amendment is unacceptable, which is why I referred to it as a 'scandal'," Doukas said in an interview with the public broadcaster ERT.

The amendment, submitted on Tuesday evening just days before the change in leadership at the Municipality of Athens, renames the company Anaplasi Athinas SA, responsible for city projects, to Anaplasi SA. Additionally, its oversight is transferred to the ministers of environment and energy, culture,...

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