Motorcycle couriers risking lives for fast service

Blatantly disregarding traffic rules in a race against time to deliver parcels quickly, motorcycle couriers are on the agenda once again over road safety issues.

Policies of companies over shorter delivery times, such as "30 minutes to the door," and the fact that pays are fixed at the rate of package delivery causes panic among motorcycle couriers, who then race against time to deliver parcels as quickly as possible, increasing the possibility of accidents.

Refusing to follow traffic rules, especially in densely populated districts, couriers often use sidewalks during rush hours to avoid getting stuck in traffic, which can lead to a fatal accident.

Motorcycle couriers often use sidewalks and streets closed to traffic in Istanbul as shortcuts to deliver the packages.

Yeliz Yılmaz, a resident, stated that once she narrowly avoided an accident when a courier from nowhere entered the sidewalk she was walking on with her son. "I respect the work of couriers. They have a hard job, but they should not risk both their own lives and the lives of pedestrians," Yılmaz said.

 'Delivery time' regulation

Considering the fact that the pressure of fast delivery times on motorcycle couries increases the chance of road accidents, the Transport and Infrastructure Ministry is preparing a regulation to eliminate this situation.

Within the scope of the amendment to the Road Transport Regulation, it is planned to prevent couriers from racing against time. Couriers will be obliged to deliver the shipment they receive to the recipient "within a reasonable time."

"Following the regulation, courier operators will no longer be able to make transportation time commitments for the shipment they receive. Couriers will...

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