Gale-force winds keep ferries docked at ports on Monday

Waves batter the port of Rafina in Attica. Ferries remained tied up at the ports of Piraeus, Rafina, and Lavrio on Sunday and Monday due to gale-force winds reaching up to 9 Beaufort in some places. Hydrofoils that service the Argo-Saronic Gulf islands (Salamina, Aegina, Hydra, Poros and Spetses) were also prohibited from sailing. Ferry services are expected to resume on Tuesday as generally improved weather is expected in most parts of the country. Temperatures will rise across the country, ranging from -4 to 9 Celsius in the north, -1 to 14C in the rest of the mainland, 7 to 15C on the islands, and reaching 17C in the southeastern Aegean. [Yiannis Liakos/InTime News]

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