
First ‘Nisyros Dialogues’ trail unveiled on Mount Ymittos

As part of the collaboration between the Georgios M. Michalos Foundation for the Sustainability of the island of Nisyros, and the Association for the Protection and Development of Mount Ymittos (SPAU), the first "Nisyros Dialogues" trail atop the capital's Mount Ymittos was unveiled on Friday.

Gale-force winds keep ferries docked at ports on Monday

Waves batter the port of Rafina in Attica. Ferries remained tied up at the ports of Piraeus, Rafina, and Lavrio on Sunday and Monday due to gale-force winds reaching up to 9 Beaufort in some places. Hydrofoils that service the Argo-Saronic Gulf islands (Salamina, Aegina, Hydra, Poros and Spetses) were also prohibited from sailing.

How green are country’s ‘green islands’ in reality?

Following Halki and Astypalaia, Poros is now poised to become Greece's third "green island" under the GR-Eco Islands initiative. 

But, in practice, how green are the country's "green islands"? The project is currently focused on energy and less polluting transportation, but it doesn't address waste, sewage, or water "production."

Initiatives to protect environment on Greek islands

The Mihalos Foundation, represented by Chairman Peter Mihalos, last weekend signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Elliniko-Argyroupoli mayor and president of the association for the protection of Mount Hymettus, Giannis Konstantatos, for the foundation to implement initiatives concerning island path networks and the protection of the environment, during the Nisyrian Dialogues conference o

Footage implicates suspect in Polish woman’s death

The images from video footage and in particular frames that captured a 32-year-old Bangladeshi man leaving his house with the 27-year-old Anastazja Rubinska and then returning later alone and leaving again after a while, was essentially what led to his prosecution on murder charges, according to reports.
