Athens prepares to deal with cold front, storm

[InTime News]

As the Avgi storm brings a cold front and heavy rainfall throughout Attica, Athens authorities have been placed on high alert to deal with emergencies.

Specifically, homeless shelters throughout the capital are expecting increased traffic through to the 31st.

Social workers and volunteers will be conducting assistance operations into the early hours of Tuesday in order to provide the homeless with food, clothing, and shelter.

The Athens civil protection unit has announced that any citizens wishing to report homeless in need may contact authorities via 1595 or 2105287800.

Homeless forced to deal with acute cold have been called to get through the storm in the Agios Eleftherios Friendship Club (Acharnon str. 372, tel. 2102012334), and the Votanikos Friendship Club (Kozanis str. 4, tel. 2103423716).

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