Homeless shelter

HoMellon program gets homeless into the labor market

Mytilineos, in collaboration with the KNOWL social enterprise for life-long learning, has successfully completed the first social accelerator for the integration of the homeless, newly homeless and people living in unsafe housing or unsuitable areas.

The social accelerator, called HoMellon, aims to integrate these groups into the job market.

Sakellaropoulou visits new homeless center

Greek President Katerina Sakellaropoulou (center), seen here with Athens Mayor Kostas Bakoyannis (left), on Wednesday attended the opening of a municipal homeless shelter in the center of the capital. Speaking to reporters, Sakellaropoulou said vulnerable people should be "surrounded by care," adding that the need had been accentuated by the coronavirus pandemic.

11 People Died in a Fire in Japan

At least 11 people were killed in a fire in a shelter in the Japanese city of Sapporo. Victims are homeless. The building was owned by an organization assisting poor and elderly people. Five other residents of the social center were rescued by firefighters, three of whom were injured. The police still have no version of the incident.

Shelter for Homeless People in the Capital was Rehabilitated with BGN 30 000

A renovation of a homeless homeless shelter was carried out. The activities cost a total of BGN 30,000, reports novini. 

This is what the director of the Crisis Center for Homeless people in the Zaharna Fabrika district of Sofia, Dragoslava Lundjova, told FOCUS.

Majority of Athens homeless ended up on street in past five years, study finds

Seventy-one percent of the Greek capital's homeless population has ended up on the streets in the last five years and 21.7 percent in the last year alone, a study by the City of Athens's Homeless Shelter (KYADA), funded by the Norwegian government and other European countries, has found.
