Woman divorces husband over 'poor hygiene'

A court has favored a woman who filed for a divorce over her husband's inadequate personal hygiene as the primary reason, attributing full fault to the husband while mandating the couple's separation and ruling 500,000 Turkish liras ($16,475) in compensation.

The woman, identified only by the initials A.Y. and a resident of Ankara province in the Central Anatolia region, initiated divorce proceedings against her husband, identified only by the initials C.Y., accusing him of neglecting personal hygiene by not showering for days and brushing his teeth only once or twice a week, while also reusing the same clothing for up to five days.

The 19th Family Court of Ankara heard the case, and A.Y. substantiated her claims with supporting witnesses. The court deemed C.Y. wholly responsible for the deteriorating conditions of their marriage.

The decision, deemed legally sound by the Regional Court of Justice, received final approval from the Court of Appeals' Second Department. In its verdict, the Court of Appeals determined that the husband, as the party neglecting personal hygiene and emitting body odor, bore complete fault for the circumstances leading to the divorce, while the wife was found faultless.

This landmark ruling sheds light on the significance of personal hygiene in marital relationships and sets an example for cases where such neglect impacts the overall well-being of the relationship. The awarded compensation reflects the court's commitment to addressing issues beyond the traditional grounds for divorce.

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