Silence on banning Serbs to vote in Kosovo: European Parliament resolution on Serbia

"Do you think that this is an irrelevant topic for the European Parliament? I think that it is one of the most important things when we talk about the rule of law, international principles, legal norms. It is not important to the opposition either, so they did not advocate for it to be included in the text ", said Prime Minister Ana Brnabi, on the occasion of today's EP session in Strasbourg, where the resolution on local and parliamentary elections in Serbia will be voted on, and which calls for an international investigation into the voting.
"This resolution, which will be adopted by the EP, which will also include representatives of Djilas's opposition, explicitly requests the EC to be 'less lenient' towards Serbia, EP is called to terminate and suspend all funds for our citizens, our health system, infrastructure, education, until an international investigation is conducted or until, as they say, the key recommendations of ODIHR are fulfilled. ODIHR itself cannot say what those recommendations are."
The Prime Minister added that the EP resolution is non-binding, that there are no arguments in it, that it is based on the fact that the authors saw something on the Internet:
"That is a resolution on the level of the argument of Radio Mileva".
SNS Presidium member Goran Vesi stated that certain opposition MPs, with an open invitation to international institutions, i.e. the EP, to interfere in the internal affairs of our country, are actually asking that foreigners, like Viola von Cramon, decide who will be in power instead of Serbian citizens. Vesi reminded that in previous years, documents were adopted in which the Serbian Orthodox Church was accused of inciting tension in the Balkans and labeled as the cause of wars, by which five EU...

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