Union slams ‘blatant lack of protection’ for disabled people after YouTuber arrest


Greece's National Confederation of Disabled Persons (ESAMEA) denounced on Thursday the state's "blatant lack of protection of vulnerable citizens," following the arrest on Wednesday of a man for abusing disabled people on live streamed videos.

"These behaviors are not human," the confederation said in a statement. "The behavior and attitude of all those who watched the unacceptable, criminal, tragic behavior and exercise of violence against young people must also be highlighted and condemned," it said and called on judicial authorities to "set an example" with the punishment of those responsible. 

ESAMEA also said this incident proves the confederation's warnings that there are still many online channels that exploit the dignity of vulnerable citizens. It also shows "beyond any doubt our weak reflexes as a society and the blatant lack of protection of vulnerable...

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