"The absolute truth has been presented to the world" ​

As they pointed out, he presented the absolute truth to the whole world - that Albin Kurti is now carrying out a crime against humanity against the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, deliberately creating unbearable living conditions for the Serbian people.
"In front of the eyes of the whole world, Vui stood firmly in defense of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija and the principles of international law," Serb Lista points out in a statement, adding:
"On behalf of the Serbian people from Kosovo and Metohija, we acknowledge President Aleksandar Vui for conveying to the whole world the truth about the suffering of the Serbian people in these areas at the hands of Albin Kurti's regime and Kurti's intention to expel the Serbian people and threaten peace in the Western Balkans."
They stated that in the United Nations Security Council, in front of the most powerful countries in the world, Vui fought as bravely as a lion for the survival of the Serbian people on their centuries-old hearths and pointed out the need for the entire democratic world to stand up for the protection of the Serbian people.
"We are proud and emboldened by the fact that our country and our people are led in these difficult times by President Vui, who has proven many times so far how much he cares about Serbia and the Serbs, and especially our people in Kosovo and Metohija," Serb List pointed out.

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