Artvin residents call for solution to hazardous route

In the eastern province of Artvin, a group of concerned citizens drew attention to the danger on a risky highway, demanding a permanent solution.

Landslides have tripled in the eastern Black Sea region in recent years, especially in Artvin province, where more than 50 landslides have occurred in 2024.

A protest was organized on the Artvin-Ardahan highway, which is frequently closed to transportation as soil, stones and rocks break off the steep slopes onto the highway.

The group drew attention to the danger in the area by carrying banners with the words "There is going but no returning" and leaving a black coffin on the highway.

Although industrial climbers cover the slopes with steel nets to minimize the danger, residents want a more permanent solution.

"We do not want our people to die and our vehicles to be damaged on a road that connects two countries and stretches from the Caucasus to Europe," district resident Yaşar Gülel said.

Speaking on behalf of the group, Berkay Özcan, President of Şavşat Off-Road Mountaineering and Photography Club, stated "We have given our lives and property on these roads. The rock falls do not discriminate. In addition to the citizens, the teams working on the road are also in danger."

Bilgehan Koşar, President of Şavşat Chamber of Drivers and Automobilists, demanded support from the authorities.

"The international highway between Artvin-Ardahan is not a road with standards suitable for the 21st century. We travel completely by luck. Our only request is to have our roads built as soon as possible."

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