A fragile and temporary truce

[Intime News]

A major crisis that broke out earlier this week within the main opposition SYRIZA party was averted at the last minute with the party congress set to start on Thursday under a fragile and temporary truce among opposing sides.

Attention focuses on what party leader Stefanos Kasselakis' stance will be and whether he will request a carte blanche and the commitment to remain party leader until the national elections, no matter how the party performs in the upcoming European Parliament elections in June. People are also expecting to see whether former party leader Alexis Tsipras will intervene in this open crisis and how.

Kasselakis' demand to get assurances in advance that he will not be replaced and his leadership not be questioned until 2027, regardless of the results of the June elections is regarded as unprecedented in Greek politics.

What is probably true...

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