SYRIZA decides against inner party elections

[InTime News]

The inner party thriller in the main opposition SYRIZA party concluded on Sunday noon, with the Congress deciding not to go to leadership elections. "We are not heading to elections-the masks have fallen," declared the party leader Stefanos Kasselakis. An unprecedented toxic party congress preceded that, marked by crowd uproar and political back-and forth.

On Sunday, Kasselakis clashed with his only likely co-candidate Olga Gerovasiili, over the date of a potential leadership vote. The matter was eventually voted down by the congress attendees, who supported a proposal by three other prominent SYRIZA figures who opined that a new leadership vote was untimely and unnecessary.

In last fall's SYRIZA leadership contest, all candidates, to an extent, claimed to best represent the legacy of departed leader Alexis Tsipras. Not the leader whose departure was forced by two...

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