Estonian PM Supports Considering Ground Troops in Ukraine Amid Macron's Remarks

Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas has joined the debate over the possibility of sending ground troops to Ukraine, stating that Western leaders should not dismiss the option. Kallas' comments come in the wake of French President Emmanuel Macron's recent controversial suggestion, which sparked widespread discussion among allied governments.

Macron's remarks, hinting at the potential deployment of ground troops, received mixed reactions from other leaders within the Western alliance. While some leaders, including Kalas, believe that all options should be considered behind closed doors, others were quick to clarify that no immediate plans for troop deployment were on the table, as reported by Politico.

Kallas emphasized the importance of exploring all avenues to support Ukraine in its conflict against Russia. "I think those are also the signals we're sending to Russia that we're not ruling things out," she stated during Politico's Power Play podcast. "Because all the countries understood that we have to do everything so that Ukraine can win and Russia can lose this war."

Although most European Union countries, including Germany, Britain, and the US, have publicly ruled out sending troops to Ukraine, Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis expressed gratitude for the debate sparked by Macron's comments. Landsbergis emphasized that "nothing can be taken off the table, no option can be dismissed lightly."

However, Moscow reacted strongly to Macron's suggestions, warning that the deployment of Western troops in Ukraine could escalate tensions and potentially lead to conflict between Russia and NATO.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen echoed similar sentiments, acknowledging that...

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