Top watchdog orders reelections in several districts

Türkiye's top election authority has confirmed the victory of the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) candidate in Kütahya despite a recount, while ordering reelections in multiple districts across the country following objections lodged after the local elections on March 31.

The Supreme Election Council (YSK) initiated a recount of votes in Kütahya following objections from the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP). The recount encompassed 5,659 invalid votes across 549 ballot boxes in the province.

After the recount, CHP candidate Eyüp Kahveci saw an increase of 27 votes, maintaining his lead. Meanwhile, MHP candidate Alim Işık gained 58 votes, narrowing the gap between him and Kahveci from 602 to 571.

While the results of the recount were upheld, YSK announced the decision to renew elections in several districts in central Türkiye, including Kayseri's Pınarbaşı and Nevşehir's Ürgüp, both won by CHP.

In the southeastern city of Şanlıurfa, the election in Hilvan district, won by the Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party), will be renewed due to objections from the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP). Similarly, in the Siverek district, won by AKP, elections will be renewed following objections from the New Welfare Party (YRP).

Meanwhile, the decision to renew elections in the northeastern city of Ardahan, made following an objection by AKP, was revoked by the YSK's provincial board.

The development comes in the wake of the recent saga surrounding the revocation of Abdullah Zeydan's mayoral mandate in the eastern city of Van, which was later reinstated by the top authority. Zeydan, a politician from the DEM Party, was temporarily replaced by an AKP candidate following a court ruling citing prior...

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