Elpedison heads for breakup
The divorce of Helleniq Energy and Edison after 15 years of their joint venture in the field of the electricity market is now taken for granted.
The two companies joined forces in 2009 with the creation of Elpedison, which currently operates two natural gas power plants, one in Thessaloniki (400 megawatts) and one in Viotia (420 MW), is active in the supply of electricity, ranking third among the private suppliers (after Mytilineos and Heron), as well as in the supply of natural gas but also in the trading of electricity and natural gas.
It also holds a license for a new 826 MW power plant in Thessaloniki and a license for a floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU) in the Thermaikos Gulf.
These two investment projects, and especially the license for the new natural gas unit that Elpedison received from the regulator in 2019, seem to have caused the first...
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