Tax burden still seen growing

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Salaries may have risen in Greece in 2023, but the tax burden has also increased. For some the rise in wages has taken them into a higher tax bracket, while for most the burden is a result of tax brackets not being adjusted for inflation.

That development led to a reduction in the disposable income of workers, as shown by the annual report of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (Taxing Wages 2024).

Overall, effective tax rates on labor income rose across the OECD in 2023, while inflation remained particularly high. In Greece the burden for families with two children continues to be well above the average of the OECD countries and amounts to 37.5% against 29.5%. However, workers without children also pay high taxes and contributions: Specifically, the total amounts to 38.5%, compared to 34.8% which is the OECD average.

For the single worker...

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