Two indicted over fatal shooting of dog in Thermi

File photo.

A Thessaloniki prosecutor has brought criminal charges against two men who were arrested for shooting and killing a dog in the municipality of Thermi, southeast of the northern port city.

The 47-year-old rancher and his 44-year-old friend, who remain in custody, will appear before an investigative magistrate on Saturday.

They are being prosecuted on a case-by-case basis, with charges including killing a companion animal and violations of weapons law.

As stated in the case file, the 44-year-old, acting at the behest of the 47-year-old, executed the dog with a shotgun, because - according to what the latter testified to the police - it had entered his stable and exhibited signs of aggression toward his animals. 

According to local reports the dog belonged to another breeder in the area. In addition to the case filed against them, the two men were fined. 

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