Putin Named the Main Issue for Resolving the War with Ukraine

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Russian President Vladimir Putin emphasized the need for "reliable guarantees for Russia and Ukraine from Western countries" in an interview with the Chinese news agency Xinhua, as reported by rbc.ru. Putin suggested that the West is resistant to establishing a world order based on international law.

Russia advocates for a "comprehensive, sustainable, and equitable settlement" of the conflict in Ukraine through peaceful means. Putin stressed the importance of negotiations that consider the interests of all parties involved in the conflict.

Furthermore, Putin underscored the necessity of discussing global stability and ensuring the safety of both Ukraine and Russia during talks. He reiterated that Moscow and Kyiv have previously expressed their willingness to resolve the conflict through dialogue, but each side perceives the other's terms as unacceptable.

The Russian government insists on sovereignty over territories including Donbas, Crimea, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhia, while Ukrainian authorities demand the return to 1991 borders and the withdrawal of Russian troops.

Chinese authorities have emphasized the importance of ending conflicts through diplomatic negotiations rather than on the battlefield. On the war's anniversary, Beijing published a 12-point peace plan advocating for principles such as respecting sovereignty and territorial integrity, abandoning Cold War mentalities, and halting hostilities.

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