Greece lags greatly in productive investments

The gap in productive investments in Greece remains large, as they represent approximately 12% of the country's gross domestic prouct, compared to approximately 16% of GDP in the European Union, according to the annual investment survey of the European Investment Bank for 2023, presented on Thursday in Athens by its chief economist, Deborah Revoltella.

She spoke of a positive balance in the overall investment image of Greece, as in recent years the increase in investment has been significant and certainly higher than that of the EU, while businesses are optimistic about the future.

However, the research data also contain some warnings:

• About 60% of businesses, compared to 70% in the EU, have invested in digitization, and only 30%, compared to 50% in the EU, have invested in the energy transition.

• About 3 out of 10 Greek companies (28%) developed or...

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