New entries in local aviation

The new arrivals in the local aviation market include not only foreign air carriers that are starting to connect Greece with the rest of the world, but also international companies that are planning to operate in sectors such as freight transport and aircraft maintenance.

The Greek aviation ecosystem is constantly being strengthened with new players. The new arrivals include not only foreign air carriers that are starting to connect Greece with the rest of the world, but also companies seeking to operate in freight transport or in aircraft maintenance. In these fields, mobility has recently come from foreign businesspeople and groups that proceed to establish companies in Greece. The list of such startups includes Helicare, which is engaged in the provision of maintenance services and is allegedly associated with a multinational group that distributes and markets aircraft consumables and spare parts.

Also Sergius Air, which is active in the provision of air transport, headed by Serge Sergeef of Russian origin, who founded the company AYR Logistics Limited with activity in more than 45 countries. The latter offers integrated services of...

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