Swiss companies put Türkiye on their investment radar

The number of Swiss companies inquiring about Türkiye has increased over the past two months, Roland Brun, Deputy Consul General in Istanbul, has said, adding that some new investments may be in the pipeline this year.

Presently, there are more than 300 Swiss companies operating in Türkiye with a total investment stock of $10 billion.

"I have been receiving many questions from Swiss small and medium-sized companies, which play an important role in the Swiss economy. They are demanding information about Türkiye," Brun told daily Hürriyet.

The demand for investment in Türkiye has risen by 30 percent this year, Brun added. "They [Swiss companies] want to enter the Turkish market."

There is a growing interest from Swiss firms in the Turkish tourism sector, he said, noting that there are daily 20 flights between Türkiye and Switzerland.

New investments by Swiss companies, especially in financial services, food production and construction, may materialize by the end of this year, according to Brun.

Swiss companies are now putting Türkiye back on their radar after the credit rating companies have lifted Türkiye's rating and the country's CDS has fallen around 250 basis points as well as the government's determination to implement the economic program, said Arpat Şenocak from the Swiss Chamber of Commerce in Türkiye.

Some Swiss companies are inquiring about greenfield investments while the companies, which are already doing business in Türkiye, plan expansion investments as the economic outlook has improved, according to Şenocak.

"They have plans to increase capacity and establish new facilities," he said, adding that more talks are also taking place on mergers and acquisitions.

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