Patriarchate removed from Ukraine summit statement following Turkish protests: report

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew attends the Ukraine Peace Summit, Bürgenstock, Switzerland, June 16, 2024. [Urs Flueeler/Reuters]

The organizers of the Ukraine Peace Summit, held earlier this month in Switzerland, removed the Ecumenical Patriarchate from the list of signatories of its final statement following protests from Turkey, according to reports. 

Although Istanbul-based Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, regarded as the representative and spiritual leader of the Eastern Orthodox Christians worldwide, participated in the June 15-16 summit as an observer, the appearance of the patriarchate as a signatory on the final communique caused outrage in Turkey after the conference concluded, the Middle East Eye news site said.

Numerous Turkish opposition publications characterized the incident as a scandal, arguing that it constituted a violation of Turkish sovereignty and the Treaty of Lausanne.

Citing the treaty, Ankara does not recognize the "ecumenical" title claimed by the patriarchate....

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