Athens has a burgeoning foodscene, but is it any good?

Athens has so many restaurants nowadays, but does it have good ones? Without a doubt. Does it have enough decent restaurants? No. I think we need to dispel the myth: There's only a small number of good restaurants in what is a small market.

Where you have 10 new restaurants that pay attention to what they serve, dozens more prefer to invest in tiles, design and image instead of the star feature, the food. And many, many more are - to put it simply - trash, the kind of tourist traps that are packed into every historical city. But am I wrong to believe that Athens has more than its fair share of the latter?

If we take a walk around Athens' neighborhoods, really paying attention, exploring beyond the places we know and choose for our outings, I think what we'll see and experience will not be too far from the frenzy described in Marina Satti's video for Greece's...

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