Kazakh businessman denies responsibility for Hydra wildfire 

A prominent Kazakh businessman rejected allegations on Monday that he or any of the passengers onboard a luxury yacht were responsible for a wildfire that broke out on the Saronic island of Hydra by fireworks launched from the ship on June 21.

The blaze burnt through 300 acres of the only pine forest on the tourist island, which lies south of Athens.

"It came as a complete surprise to us to learn of the accusations that followed in the press upon our return, and I categorically deny any wrongdoing," said Daniyar Abulgazin in statement published in the online edition of Forbes Kazakhstan.

"Neither I nor my guests did anything that could have led to the fire. We strictly followed the fire safety rules established on the yacht. Neither I nor my guests asked the yacht's crew or other third parties to take any actions that could have led to a fire," he added and...

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