Ex-minister Avgenakis apologizes after alleged assault on airport employee

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Former conservative minister Lefteris Avgenakis apologized on Wednesday after footage emerged of him allegedly assaulting an airport employee.

The incident is said to have taken place at Athens International Airport on Monday. Footage, which circulated on Wednesday following a complaint by the airport workers' union, shows Avgenakis verbally confronting and then assaulting the employee at his desk, though there is no audio.

Reports suggest that the dispute erupted after the 51-year-old Iraklio New Democracy MP was denied boarding on a flight to his native Crete after boarding had been completed.

In a statement posted on social media on Wednesday, Avgenakis said he was "sincerely sorry and apologize for the tension and disturbance caused recently at the airport with an airline employee in my attempt to board my flight to Iraklio."

However, the MP sought...

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