Mysterious canyon yet undiscovered

A canyon with city walls, caves and tunnel entrances is yet undiscovered in the western Black Sea province of Kastamonu's Taşköprü district. Stating that there may even be an underground city under the canyon, Kastamonu University lecturer Hikmet Haberal said that the region should be explored and brought into tourism.

Under the leadership of Taşköprü Local Action Group Association and in partnership with Kastamonu University and Taşköprü Municipality, works to discover "adventure routes" continue. A team was assembled to examine the Bük Karşı Canyon located in the Bük and Karşı villages of the district.

The team found there were ruins of 1.5-kilometer-long walls in the canyon, entering a cave in the area and seeing that it was possible to descend approximately 100 meters down through a ladder.

A waterfall was encountered while passing through the canyon and another cave was discovered at the entrance to the canyon. The team reached the cave by swimming and saw that the entrance of the cave was closed by mud and tree roots. They also found that there were remains of life in the canyon caves and that there may be an ancient underground city there.

Speaking about their work, Haberal said, "We visited the area. People told us that no one entered the canyon and that it was like a closed box. We were curious and explored the surroundings of the canyon first. Because the canyon resembles a mountain with slopes on its right and left. The canyon is located in a deep valley between two mountains and a stream flows through the middle. We walked around the canyon for about 4 kilometers and saw a cave. When I entered one of these caves, I saw that there was a ladder going down. I also screamed as I was going down. My friends were waiting for me...

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