Erdoğan visits CHP headquarters after 18 years to meet Özel

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan visited the Republican People's Party (CHP) headquarters for the first time in 18 years on June 11 to meet with the main opposition leader Özgür Özel.

This visit follows Özel's earlier meeting with Erdoğan at the Justice and Development Party (AKP) headquarters on May 2, marking the first such interaction between the AKP and CHP leaders since 2016.

Accompanying the leaders in both discussions were CHP's Istanbul MP ​​Namık Tan and AKP parliamentary leader Mustafa Elitaş.

During Erdoğan's visit, the president's agenda focused on the AKP's proposal for a new constitution, a long-pending initiative that requires the support of at least 37 opposition MPs to advance to a referendum.

For his part, Özel was expected to emphasize the necessity for "adherence to the existing charter," reflecting the CHP's concerns over the non-implementation of Constitutional Court decisions.

The CHP has been vocal about the case of ex-MP Can Atalay, whose parliamentary status was revoked despite rulings from the top court.

Additionally, media reports said Özel planned to address the dismissal of Hakkari Mayor Mehmet Sıddık Akış on terrorism-related charges.

The Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) mayor was removed following a probe into his alleged ties with the PKK, which is designated as a terrorist organization by Türkiye, the U.S. and the EU.

The Interior Ministry said Akış was actively involved in high-ranking positions within the PKK. He was sentenced to 19 years and six months in prison, concluding a case that has been ongoing since 2014.

Akış garnered around 49 percent of the vote in the recent local elections on March 31. Following his dismissal, Hakkari Governor Ali Çelik...

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