Ceiling on spending growth

The European Commission has set a ceiling for spending growth of 3-3.2% per year or about 3 billion euros for the next four years for Greece on the fiscal path it recommended, in view of the implementation of the new fiscal rules from 2025.

The proposals that reportedly reached the Greek side envisage an increase in net primary spending by 3% in 2025, 3.1-3.2% in 2026 and 2027, and 3% in 2028. These are proposals which operate within the framework of the Stability Program, which Greece submitted to the Commission last April and may be a little more relaxed. In any case, the National Economy and Finance Ministry has been told it is allowed to implement the government's program with the benefits announced for the next few years, but not to exceed them.

For 2025, these benefits amount to a total of €870 million and concern: reduction of insurance contributions by 0.5%,...

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