German Court Sentences 95-Year-Old Woman for Holocaust Denial

A 95-year-old German woman notorious for denying the Holocaust has been sentenced to one year and four months in prison by a court in Hamburg, according to a report by DPA. Ursula Haverbeck was found guilty of incitement stemming from statements she made during the 2015 trial of former Nazi SS member Oskar Gröning, who served at Auschwitz.

During Gröning's trial, Haverbeck claimed that Auschwitz, where over 1.1 million people were systematically killed by the Nazis, was merely a labor camp and not an extermination camp. Her remarks were widely reported by media covering the trial and reiterated in a television interview for the regional public television NDR, as noted by DPA.

Today, the Hamburg court confirmed Haverbeck's sentence, specifying that due to significant delays in the legal process, four months of her sentence will be considered served already.

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