Hamburg court

German Court Sentences 95-Year-Old Woman for Holocaust Denial

A 95-year-old German woman notorious for denying the Holocaust has been sentenced to one year and four months in prison by a court in Hamburg, according to a report by DPA. Ursula Haverbeck was found guilty of incitement stemming from statements she made during the 2015 trial of former Nazi SS member Oskar Gröning, who served at Auschwitz.

Germany files espionage charges against alleged Turkish spy

German prosecutors have filed espionage charges against a man accused of spying for Turkish intelligence on Kurdish movements since 2015.

Federal prosecutors stated on June 21 that the indictment against 32-year-old Mehmet Fatih S., whose full name wasn't given in line with privacy laws, has been filed in a Hamburg court.

German court upholds ban on poem insulting Erdoğan

A German court upheld on Feb. 10 an earlier ruling banning parts of a satirical poem that satired Turkish President Tayyip Erdoğan, a case that caused a diplomatic spat between the two conutries. 

The Hamburg court upheld its injunction issued in May banning re-publication of particular parts of the poem, which comedian Jan Boehmermann recited on television last March.