Ethnic Greek imprisoned in Albania hopes his election to European Parliament will boost rule of law

Supporters of jailed ethnic Greek politician Fredi Beleri are seen in front of the appeal court in Tirana after the court upheld a lower verdict on election fraud in Tirana, Albania, on June 25, 2024. [Florion Goga/Reuters]

An Albanian prison cell wouldn't rank high among choice spots to run a successful campaign for election to the European Parliament.

Fredi Beleri, a member of Albania's ethnic Greek minority, had no choice. Last year, he was elected mayor of a town in southern Albania - a candidate to join the European Union - but lost his office and is now serving a two-year sentence for vote-buying in that election.

The case soured relations between the Balkan neighbors and led to the dual Greek-Albanian citizen's election on June 9 to represent EU member Greece in the European Parliament. He ran on the ticket of Greece's governing center-right party.

"I know (my election) will help put a spotlight on a major problem Albania faces, which is the rule of law," Beleri told The Associated Press in a phone interview Thursday from prison.

"Here, the judiciary is the long arm...

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