Sarandaporos River Science Week: Protecting the Vjosa River

A Science Week on the Sarandaporos River starts this Friday, June 28, an international initiative to protect and preserve Aoos/Vjosa, the last large free-flowing river in Europe.

Aoos or Vjosa is a river in northwestern Greece and southwestern Albania, with a total length of about 272 kilometres, of which the first 80 km are in Greece and the remaining 192 km in Albania. It has resisted human interference for now, making it the only wild river in Europe. In March 2023, it was classified as Europe's first wild river national park.

The week-long science event will be held at Sarandaporos river, one of Aoos main tributaries. It is an understudied part of Greece's ecology and the Aoos River's basin.

"Aoos without barriers: We join forces for the first Cross-Border Free River Park in Europe, Aoos/Vjosa," is the message the organizer Mediterranean Institute for...

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