
Multimedia exhibition raises awareness on fragility of Aoos River

The fragility of the Aoos/Vjosa River, which crosses the border between Greece and Albania and represents one of Europe's few remaining free-flowing waterways, has inspired a multimedia exhibition that seeks to explore the confluence of history, culture, economy, and environmental sustainability.

Albania Braces for Fifth Day of Severe Floods

Albania on Monday faced a fifth day of severe floods, which have forced 600 families from their homes and left more than 4,700 households suffering flood-related damaged.

No new deaths as a result of floods have been reported since an electrician from Albania's state-owned energy company, OSHEE, lost his life while trying to restore power connections.

Albania Power Plant Approval Angers Greens

Albaian environmentalists have voiced dismay over the government's decision to give initial approval to the proposal of a Turkish company, paving the way for a concessionary agreement to build the Pocem Hydropower plant on the Vjosa River.

The company in question is Çinar-San Hafriyat Nakliyat In?aat Turizm Sanayi Ve Ticaret Limited ?irketi.

Hundreds Evacuated as Floods Hit Albania

Albania's Ministry of Interior on Sunday said it had set up emergency centres across the country to handle the problems created by flash flooding.

Army helicopters were called in to help evacuations in areas that were difficult to reach.

Police helped with the evacuation of hundreds of people in the districts of Fier, Berat, Vlora and Tepelena, where rivers overflowed.