Dendias briefs Parliament on F-35, Constellation-type frigate

[Dimosthenis Kamsis/Intime News]

Defense Minister Nikos Dendias briefed a Parliament committee on Thursday about two programs, whose potential implementation will contribute decisively to the modernization of the Hellenic Air Force and the Hellenic Navy - the acquisition of 20 fifth-generation F-35 fighters and Greece's exploratory participation in the current design stage of the Constellation-type frigate being developed for the United States Navy.

The PASOK representatives were positive, while the other parties (leftist SYRIZA, communist KKE, and nationalist parties Hellenic Solution and Niki) expressed a negative opinion. The communist KKE and nationalist Hellenic Solution went as far as saying that the F-35s are defective.

Dendias' F-35 briefing referred to the current discussions with the United States based on the American letter of offer and acceptance which has priced the 20 aircraft at 3.54...

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