Digital Job Card: Full implementation in retail and industry from today

With dual options, giving employees the opportunity to opt out of the application, the Digital Card in Manufacturing and Retail, which affects some 600,000 workers, officially premieres on July 1.

As of today, July 1, in:

-Industries & Retail

From Autumn ’24: Tourism & Food & Beverage

The Fines

10,500€ fine for:

-Not swiping a card at work

-Working with an exit card swiped

Following the implementation of the measure in banks, large supermarkets, insurance companies, security companies and public utilities, the Digital Work Card will be fully implemented from 1 July 2024 on retail and in industry, which have already joined the measure as of January 1, 2024. According to the planning, from the autumn of 2024, the Digital Job Card is expected to be extended to the tourism and food service sectors.

Speaking recently to APE-MPE, the Minister of Labour and Social Security, Niki Kerameos, said that the full implementation of the Digital Labour Card in the industrial and retail sectors is an important step for everyday working life in our country and the proper implementation of labour law.

As he says, “in a business environment that is experiencing significant growth, it is important to safeguard the rights of workers, improving their daily working life and ensuring the full payment of their accrued wages, while ensuring healthy conditions of competition between companies. The Digital Labour Card combats phenomena of undeclared and under-declared work and contribution evasion, which primarily affect workers and consistent businesses and undermine the sustainability of the country’s social security system. The measure is already being successfully applied to employees of banks, large supermarkets, insurance companies, security companies and public utilities and is to be gradually extended to all businesses in the country.”

The post Digital Job Card: Full implementation in retail and industry from today appeared first on ProtoThema English.

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