Thessaloniki: The 34-year-old man who called for an anti-concentration at Europride is in court

The 34-year-old man who was arrested for calling citizens to gather against Europride Thessaloniki was referred for trial today.

He has been prosecuted for incitement to disobedience with racist characteristics and has remained in custody since his arrest last Thursday.

The president of the Niki party, Dimitris Natsios, the party’s deputy and supporters are at the Thessaloniki courthouse to express their support for the 34-year-old.

Security measures at the courts have been stepped up as dozens of people are outside the courtroom where the trial is expected to take place.

We are living the absolute paranoia for which the government, or rather the Mitsotakis regime, is responsible. An ordinary citizen, a family man, who reacted to all this stripped-down squalor that has been marveling Thessaloniki for so many days, to be imprisoned for four days and the Mitsotakis regime to allow for nine whole days the city of Agios Dimitrios to be stained,” Natsios said in a statement.

He said the 34-year-old “did his duty” and reacted “to the attack on the traditional family. The paranoia will not go away,” he said. “It’s a policy to detain, it’s a policy to prosecute. He is a normal Greek citizen who must be released,” he added.

It will be recalled that the 34-year-old national, through an interview he gave to a radio station, called on people to participate in a rally, for which a prohibition order has been issued by the police. The interview was posted on the website of the radio station in question and on other websites.

On Thursday afternoon, the 34-year-old was arrested by officers.

The post Thessaloniki: The 34-year-old man who called for an anti-concentration at Europride is in court appeared first on ProtoThema English.

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