Can Trump Solve Ukraine in 24 Hours? Kremlin Doesn't Think So

Russian Permanent Representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya, emphasized that despite claims by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump that he could resolve the Ukraine conflict in 24 hours if elected, the reality is far more complex and the war cannot be resolved swiftly.

Trump recently asserted during a debate with Joe Biden that with a "real president" respected by Russian President Vladimir Putin, Russia would not have risked invading Ukraine in February 2022.

The upcoming US presidential election on November 5 holds significance for Russia, despite efforts to play down its impact, as it will shape Washington's stance on supporting Ukraine and supplying modern weapons to Kyiv, according to Reuters.

Nebenzya, speaking at a press conference marking Russia's presidency of the UN Security Council in July, stated unequivocally that the Ukrainian crisis cannot be resolved overnight.

Trump's campaign headquarters has yet to respond to Nebenzya's comments.

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