Lajcak: We discussed wide range of issues, agreed on follow-up steps

BRUSSELS - The EU special envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak said on Tuesday evening a trilateral meeting with delegations of Belgrade and Pristina in Brussels had addressed a wide range of issues and that the parties had agreed on "a number of follow-up steps."

"Just finished more than seven hours of meetings on the level of Chief negotiators. With (Pristina's) Deputy PM Besnik Bislimi and Director (of the Serbian Office for Kosovo-Metohija) Petar Petkovic, we discussed a wide range of issues and agreed on a number of follow-up steps," Lajcak wrote in a post on X.

Speaking to reporters after Tuesday's meetings, Petkovic said Pristina had shown it was not ready for normalisation of relations with Belgrade and further discussions in technical dialogue.

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