President of the Hellenic Republic: Meeting with the President of Latvia – The award ceremony

The president of Latvia was welcomed by Katerina Sakellaropoulou at the Presidential Palace. The President of the Republic stated, among other things, that “our countries, allies and partners, maintain close relations and cooperation both bilaterally and in international fora. These relations are based on common principles and values ​​related to human rights, the rule of law, and democracy.”

Speaking about the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, underlining the risk of the crisis spreading, Mrs. Sakellaropoulou noted that it is necessary to “come together and create a common front that will allow us to reverse the situation and create the best conditions, so that to achieve peace and security.”

“It will also be very important to act together and vigorously to protect the environment and deal with the climate crisis, before its consequences make any attempt to combat it impossible”, concluded the President of the Republic.

“We are countries that agree, we see things the same way, both in the European Union and in NATO, and we face challenges together in Europe, beyond Europe, in the world, in Ukraine, in the Middle East and in the Middle East,” the president of Latvia said for his part.
Extended talks between the two delegations followed.

Afterwards, the President of the Republic Katerina Sakellaropoulou, in a special ceremony, awarded the President of the Republic of Latvia Edgars Rinkēvičs with the Grand Cross of the Order of the Saviour.

In turn, the President of Latvia awarded the President the Grand Cross of the Order of the Three Stars.

The dialogue between the two presidents in detail

KATERINA SAKELLAROPOULOU: Dear Mr. President, I would like to welcome you to Athens, two years after my official visit to Riga on the occasion of celebrating 100 years since the beginning of our diplomatic relations. Our countries, allies and partners, maintain close relations and cooperation both bilaterally and in international fora. These relations are based on common principles and values ​​concerning human rights, the rule of law, and democracy.

It is an opportunity and we should seize this momentum and further intensify the political dialogue amid a series of unprecedented challenges in Europe and beyond, which require coordination to effectively address them.

The ongoing war in Ukraine, the resurgence in the Middle East and the risk of this crisis spreading, require coming together and creating a common front that will allow us to reverse the situation and create the best conditions to achieve peace and security .

It will also be very important to act together and vigorously to protect the environment and to deal with the climate crisis, before its consequences make any attempt to combat it impossible.

Looking forward to continuing the discussion on these and other issues later, in private, I welcome you back to Athens.

EDGARS RINKĒVIČS (from unofficial translation): Thank you very much, Madam President, for the warm, hot, I would say if we consider the weather, reception. I completely agree with you about the fact that the cooperation of our two states is based on friendship and tradition that is 102 years old.

I remember very well your visit to Riga 2 years ago, which gave a very positive boost to the political, economic and cultural ties of our countries. We are countries that agree, we see things the same way, both in the European Union and in NATO, and we face together the challenges in Europe, beyond Europe, in the world, in Ukraine, in the Middle East and in the Middle East.

I must also tell you that I was particularly pleased last night to meet with members of the diaspora of my country, Latvia, in Athens. Their number is increasing and all of them are very happy with their stay in Greece. They travel a lot between Athens and Riga, but I must say that from now on our common history, our relationship, must be discussed more widely. Thank you very much.

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