Albania: They removed Fredi Beleris from his position as Mayor of Himara

The authorities in Albania proceeded with the removal of Fredi Beleris from his position as Mayor of Himara.

The new provocative move was made by the Central Election Commission on Friday regarding Fredi Beleris’ term.

Outside the Central Election Commission where he was allowed to attend, the now elected MEP Fredi Beleris stated, that “as they let me come here today, they could have let me go to be sworn in as Mayor of Himara, but they didn’t.”

He was elected head of the municipality of Himara on May 14, but two days before the results, he was arrested.

Freddy Beleri was elected on May 14, 2023, as head of the municipality of Himara, but two days before the results, he was arrested for vote buying, an accusation that was not proven in court, which however, found him guilty.

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